I came across this awesome photo blog of ballerinas past and present, because what I like to do lots of the time is look at pictures of ballerinas and plan ahead for my next life, when I get to be one. However, I always laugh to myself, because in spite of how utterly gorgeous and graceful and strong ballerinas obviously are, all I can think of when I see pictures of them is how, in eighth grade, which was probably the height of my ballet career, I slid pictures like the one below in the plastic cover sheath of my binders, you know, to personalize them in understatedly grown up, "
Lisa Frank binders are SO two years ago" type of way.
And then, much to my chagrin at the time,
Natale, the other half of my brain both then and now, who only last year (at the age of 23) declared the sound of echoed farts to be his favorite sound on the planet, was good enough to draw, in a vibrant array of colors thanks to his impressive collection of Gelly Roll (tm) pens, little fart clouds under every single lifted leg. POOF. Ballerina defamation at its best. I was only mad for a few minutes until, as always, his unending gleefulness got the better of me and yeah, I saw the humor. Just imagine it. It's hilarious.
I'm still only tickled.